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ESG Balance

In occasion of the 2023 financial year, we have prepared and published our first Financial Statement.
Sustainability, which contains the results of non-financial reporting, with
chapters dedicated to our Sustainability Plan, our Governance model
sustainable, to the aspects of Corporate Social Responsibility and to our commitment to
environmental sustainability.

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Quality Policy

In accordance with UNI/ISO 9001 – Design/DL Sector

Our philosophy for the excellence of the services offered and the efficiency of the processes that contribute to their realization.

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Anti-Corruption Policy

We have decided to adopt a management system compliant with the UNI ISO standard
37001 in order to prevent and combat the phenomenon of corruption, as it is considered a brake on the development of corporate culture, the profitability of the company and a serious threat to the corporate image.

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Gender Equality System Policy

Mercurio Srl promotes a balanced participation of women and men in the labor market, equal conditions, a better balance between professional and private life, also through access to affordable childcare services and care for non-self-sufficient people and support for the spread of corporate welfare systems.

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MOG 231/01 System

Extract from the Code of Ethics

This Code of Ethics constitutes the set of principles of conduct that Mercurio srl deems essential to adhere to in carrying out the activities required for the pursuit of institutional purposes.

For reports write to


Quality Policy

In accordance with UNI/IEC 17020 – Project Verification Unit

In the process of accreditation – Type “C” Inspection Body

The Certifications


ISO 9001:2015


ISO 37001:2016


UNI/PdR 125:2022

Contact us


Via Giuseppe Parini 3

22020 San Fermo of the Battle

Location Cavallasca (CO)



Tel: 031 0740100

Fax: 031 0740103


©2024 La Mercurio Srl, all rights reserved

Registered Office:Via Delle Vecchie Scuderie, 3422077

Olgiate Comasco (Como)Lombardy, Italy

Headquarters: Via Giuseppe Parini 3,

St. Fermo of the Battle (Como)

VAT 03645510136

Powered by Industrie Creative Srls

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